TODAY'S NEWS: Oh noes! What an awkward time for me to go on hiatus! But this comic is indeed taking a break until the end of the month.
What are you going to do for the next two weeks? If you experience Webcomic Withdrawal, you could make a point of reading through the Archive again. That would be about 21comics each day! Or you could tell your friends and relatives about "Ask Dr. Eldritch," and sit with them while they go through the Archive, so when they laugh, you'll get vicarious enjoyment and a warm glow of satisfaction from introducing them to quality humor material. Or perhaps you'll sit in a darkened room, counting the hours until Comic #346 is posted, and we find out what happens next. Or maybe you'll do Holiday stuff. Any of these options is cool.
So, let's all meet back here on the 31st, okay? Happy Holidays! *
* Seasons greetings provided for Entertainment Purposes only, and do not guarantee a happy holiday experience.
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