#706 - Couple Stuff New episodes When Available

Wednesday, December 14, 2023
TODAY'S NEWS: I'm not saying that nobody likes vegan Schreiendetodeswurste, just that if it's still around in December, it's probably time to let it go. I had a successful NaNoWriMo November, and have returned my attentions to the webcomic scripts. I've chosen to intertwine several storylines, which, if it works, may subject me to award nominations and tremendous accolades. Currently, I'm dealing with how much more complex it makes things, which is vexing and slow. So when I had the idea for today's comic from a conversation that happened at my house, I put it together so I could post something. If you've been in a multi-year relationship with someone, you may know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, well, perhaps this comic would be a fun conversation starter at your next holiday gathering!
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Last Revised: December 14, 2023
2003-2023 Evan Nichols
Ask Dr. Eldritch is for Mature Audiences. May contain adult themes, adult language, images of violence, nudity, sexuality, and progressive thought. And maybe hot lesbian sex. All names and characters depicted are fictitious and any resemblence to any organization or person living, dead or undead is purely coincidental. All trademarked materials are copyrighted by their respective owners. All other imagery, concept, characters and writing © Evan Nichols, unless otherwise noted. All fanworks sent to Ask Dr. Eldritch/Evan Nichols will be regarded as gifts unless otherwise specified. Legal ownership of actual images will be freely transferred to Evan Nichols, with the provision that creators shall be consulted in the event of use beyond showcasing. Fanworks submitted by the artists and authors will be treated with utmost care and respect. In return, the creators agree that they no longer possess sole interest in the managing of their creations. Gift art will not be used for commercial purposes without the consent of the creator(s). Evan Nichols retains the right to display or remove images from the galleries as he sees fit. Design and images are licensed for use only by Evan Nichols. Theft of this design is strictly prohibited, and offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.