TODAY'S NEWS: I've received two ideas for Vote Incentive Comics! One is a mash-up with "Calvin and Hobbes" (I received this a while back, when I was asking for "Eldritch Files" submissions), and the other idea is "something with cats." So apparently coming up with Vote Incentive comics is harder than I thought. But I'll still take your suggestions!
If you're the sort who likes statistics, the graph above shows some webstats for the first three months of 2007, specifically the Returning Visitors. These are the people who read regularly (you can see how the numbers jump on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). If you're one of them, Thanks! I appreciate you coming by to read the comic. And you get an Extra Scoop of Appreciation if you click the Vote Buttons regularly, too! And feel free to tell your friends, family, coworkers and complete strangers about this comic, so we can continue to make these numbers increase!
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