#229 - Cybernetic-American Awareness Day New episodes Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Monday, March 19, 2007
TODAY'S NEWS: Today is the First Annual* Cybernetic-American Awareness Day! Do something special for your cybernetic friends, especially those you "own." When they receive emancipation from their slavery, you want them to think well of you. Feel free to print a copy of today's comic and post it at your work, school or Secret Headquarters.
I bet most people who get the day off as a holiday are probably just going to catch the Cybernetic-American Awareness Day Sales at the mall.
I hope you haven't noticed, but I've been getting more and more spam posts in the AskDrEldritch LiveJournal comments. I wish I could explain to the person responsible that my Readers are too smart to click through on their ad links, but they're all anonymous. I don't want to force readers to log in just to comment, so for now I'll continue deleting the ads as they get posted. If you see any spam out there, let me know, okay?
As I write this, we're at #31 on TopWebComics.com, and #47 on Buzzcomix! That's great! Thanks to everyone who voted over the weekend, allowing us to hold our position.
*Perhaps the only one, depending on how successful this is.
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