TODAY'S NEWS: I would be remiss if I didn't mention an historic event: Shin-Goji of Twisted Kaiju Theater has posted his 1000th episode! Congratulations Shin-Goji! The countless hours of effort, enthusiastic Godzilla fandom, and your unapologetic commitment to your humor are an example to us all. Rock on, Dude!
I'm aiming to break into the Top 50 comics on Top Web Comics and Buzzcomix, and I need your help. If all my readers voted every day, I'm sure we could more than double the monthly vote counts. So to inspire you, August is Voter Incentive Puzzle Month! Starting Wednesday the 2nd, the Vote Incentive Comic will have one or more Words of the Day each day. Each Sunday, assemble the words from the week into a quote from a Dr. Eldritch letter, and email the answer to me. A random winner will be drawn from all qualifying entries! This contest will run until August 27th, so there are four chances to win! See the Contest Page for complete rules.
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