TODAY'S NEWS: I want to give you fair warning, so you can brace yourselves appropriately: This webcomic's Holiday Break will be from December 21 through January 3rd! You may be thinking, "Hey, didn't he take six weeks off this summer?" That is true, but the December vacation is written into the Minion's contract, and it would seem mean-spirited to fight the Union on this. Plus, I really like taking time off.
And it's not as if I'll just be lying about on a bath towel under the photo lights, pretending I'm on a beach in Aruba. At least part of the time I'll be busily preparing for the return of the Newsletter on January 4th, scripting comic books and assembling more webcomics! That's the plan, anyway.
p.s. Did you notice that last week I did a comic Bonus Panel about passwords, and two days later, Wondermark had this comic? Thanks, Malki ! I'm flattered!
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