TODAY'S NEWS: The "Appreciating Comics" panel discussion I went to on Wednesday was great! If you have an opportunity to see Scott McCloud speak and you like comics, I heartily suggest attending. The other artists could easily been eclipsed by him, but he graciously and enthusiastically shared the stage. I just wish they'd shown more of their comics; they showed a few at the beginning, but that was it. Comics are so visual, it seems wrong to spend an hour just talking about them...
In my constant search of eBay for interesting and useful action figure (as well as their costumes and props), I clicked on an auction for a 1/6th scale chainmail bikini. This is the photo used:
A Loyal Fan dared me to post this pic, and I can't* refuse a dare!
So here it is. What do you think?
* For certain values of "can't."
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