TODAY'S NEWS: Can you imagine what would happen if all of our politicians declared they had Protected Status because they're members of the Elected-American minority? Neither can I. We probably shouldn't bring the idea to their attention.
I'm reading Scott McCloud's latest book "Making Comics." I mentioned a little while about how I was self-taught, because the books I'd seen on comics were mostly about how to draw. This book fills that gap; it's about how to do all the OTHER things one does to make a comic. I'm hoping to gain some insights that allow me to make "Ask Dr. Eldritch" even better. Then all I need is the definitive book on how to self-promote a webcomic, so a higher percentage of those who visit the site keep coming back. And I want to do all that without losing the aspects that my current readers enjoy. Simple, right?
Speaking of which, be sure to see what happens next week when Kari makes her decision!
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