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  #174 - VCR                        

Friday, November 10, 2006

Bonus Panel

TODAY'S NEWS:You probably can't even tell, but Kari's reading "Dog Walker Magazine". I apparently enjoy adding touches like that and then discovering that they're too small to see, because I keep doing it. So then I have to point them out in the News, which isn't nearly as satisfying.

I own a VCR that works this way. It doesn't bother me, as I'm (and I'm not boasting about this) in the class of People Who Understand How to Program a VCR. It makes it difficult to explain to those who are in the class of People Who Don't Understand How to Program a VCR. There's no shame in being in the latter class; it's just one of those genetic traits, like being able to roll your tongue, pick up things with your toes or play the accordion. You either can do it or you can't.

In the Future (and not so far in the Future), nobody will get VCR jokes. Kids won't understand old people saying they'll "tape" a show, as video storage will all be digital. Nor will they know why a VCR would flash "12:00," as video systems will all automatically get the time from the service provider. Programs will be watched on demand, presented by heuristic systems that analyze of individual viewer preferences. And if current rates of growth continue through the year 2030, cable and satellite providers will offer 8,743 channels. For Basic Service. Just imagine; you'll be able to watch a different HBO channel every day of the month! I don't know if the content will be any better, but even Trolls will never miss an episode of "America's Next Top Model" because they accidentally recorded an hour of C-SPAN instead.

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