TODAY'S NEWS: I thought Monday's Award Show might inspire some hullabaloo. Or even a small uproar. I'd posted about it in the WCCA forums, and while a number of people clicked the links, the single comment was rather favorable. I changed the post to include the phrase "missing Photocomic Award," but even that didn't rouse anybody's ire. Everyone's more concerned about why the WCCA 2006 Ceremony hasn't been posted yet.
So, I'm apparently really bad at stirring up controversy.
Those readers going to Comicon in San Diego this weekend, your mission has two parts: 1) Find Gilead and tell him "Trevor says Hi!'". 2) Take photos of yourself "interacting" with Trevor at the Con, and email them to me. See Wednesday's News for the details, and have a great time! I wish I was there!
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