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  #650 - Preview 2                        
Preview 2

Friday, April 2, 2010

TODAY'S NEWS: Yes, more Stumptown artwork! Every year, I include a Game of Skill. In 2007, it was "Guess Your Astrological Sign," where if I couldn't guess someone's sign, they won a prize (an Ask Dr. Eldritch button). If my guess was correct, which did happen a few times, they won a Consolation Prize (an Ask Dr. Eldritch button). In 2008, the game was Guess The Number of Jellybeans In the Jar. There were eight jellybeans in a clear gallon-sized container. Almost everyone got the answer right. 2009 saw the Guess This Number Game, where players had to guess the number that was clearly displayed on the sign (it was 4).

For 2010, I'm upgrading to a 20"x30" poster, seen here in today's comic. To win the prize, players must correctly identify the number of hidden penguins. Those who fail to do so will be forced to accept a consolation prize.

As you can probably tell, the goals of this game are to 1) Amuse me, 2) Amuse the con attendees, 3) Be memorable, and 4) Put more Ask Dr. Eldritch material into the hands of attendees; all to increase the chances that they'll check out my comic after the show. If you've ever attended a comics convention, you know that it's easy to gather a huge stack of cards, postcards, mini-comics, etc., which often ends up ignored after one gets home.

Plus, it's a useful diagnostic tool. When someone looks at the game and laughs, there's a good chance that they'll appreciate other facets of my sense of humor. Those who are confused by the game are less likely to find my comic funny.

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Last Revised: February 3, 2023 © 2003-2009 Evan Nichols