TODAY'S NEWS: Perhaps you've been wondering why you haven't been seeing many new Vote Incentive comics lately. There's a reason: I'm saving them up. My plan is to have another month of All New Vote Incentive Comics this May. And since I've been posting different comics on Top Web Comics and Buzzcomix, that means 62 NEW comics that month! I know, that seems like a long time from now, but it will be worth it.
As you know, I rarely offer explanations for the jokes or references in my comics. It's just easier on me to assume that everyone is going to know what I'm talking about (considering the diverse yet wildly random and incomplete grasp I have of science, art, pop culture, literature, history, robotics, theater, the supernatural, movies, television, etc., that's rather like assuming that all my readers will pick the same random lottery numbers that I do). The point is, if you have no idea what the "Uncanny Valley" is about, you can read about it here. I know; having to explain a joke never makes it funny, but I didn't want anyone to feel left out.
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